Frontline Real Estate Partners

We Offer Commercial Real Estate

Sales, Leasing, Receivership, Property
Management, Advisory, Valuation



What To Keep In Mind When Searching For A New Home

Searching for a new home comes with a lot of decision-making. It can be hard to narrow down exactly what you would like in a property while making sure you’re reasonable with a designated budget. Don’t get too stressed when buying a home—our property management company in Chicago has some tips to help you refine your search.    Location Location is probably one of the most important things to consider when searching for a new place. Do you want to...

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How To Boost Curb Appeal

Whether you are buying or selling your property, or commercial real estate in Chicago, curb appeal is an important aspect of the sale, as it is most likely the first thing prospective buyers look at. We’ve broken down ways to help boost curb appeal and simple tips and tricks to make the property’s facade shine.   Take Care of Your Lawn Lawn care goes a long way to add to curb appeal and add to your home’s exterior appearance. Add...

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What Are The Different Mortgage Types?

When we hear the word “mortgage,” many people think there’s just one, 30-year fixed rate type, but there are actually multiple types of mortgages and all options have both pros and cons. When it comes to property management in Chicago, it’s important to be aware of the mortgage options, so check out some of them below.   Adjustable Rate Mortgage Also known as ARM, this mortgage idea is that interest rate changes over time throughout the life of a loan,...

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What Have We Seen in 2019’s Q1?

Everyone depends on the weather forecast for their outfits, mode of transportation, and weekend plans. Have you ever thought of reading the real estate forecast for 2019 to check up on the market status? Now that we are almost six months into the new year, what have we seen thrive, change, and possibly affect 2020? Are you ready to buy commercial real estate in Chicago?   Office Construction Decrease In 2018, office construction was successful because of high demand. However,...

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Property Management 101

Property management in Chicago isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. A lot of hard work goes into property care, customer service, and even your mental well-being when it comes to making sure you are correctly managing your property. We’re here to help you make sure you follow some guidelines to make your experience stress-free.   Screen Tenants Well Having a problematic tenant is time-consuming, mentally draining, and ultimately not monetarily beneficial. If you screen your potential tenant, you can eliminate many...

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What is a Real Estate Receiver?

In the vast majority of real estate transactions, the buyer of the property finances their purchase by taking out a loan and using the real estate as collateral. If that buyer defaults on their loan, the lender will take possession of the real estate. However, lenders—especially if it’s a traditional bank—are not in the business of managing, leasing, and selling the property, so they need help. And that’s where a real estate receiver comes in. While it’s true that the...

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The Best Time of Year to Buy Real Estate

When it comes to buying commercial real estate in Chicago, the right deal can come together at just about any time of the year. But that doesn’t mean that certain times of the year aren’t better than others for buying commercial real estate in Chicago. After all, many businesses are cyclical and that cyclicality is bound to be reflected in the commercial real estate market. Still, the question remains: What’s the best time of year to buy real estate? Keep...

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2019 Commercial Real Estate Trends

If you’re any way involved in commercial real estate investment in Chicago, you’re likely wondering what 2019 will bring in terms of real estate trends. After all, by the time you realize something is a trend, it’s usually too late or risky to try and capitalize on it. Fortunately, though, if you’re able to keep your ear to the ground—as we are at Frontline Real Estate—you can foresee many of these trends. And since we want to help spur our...

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What to Look for in Potential Office Spaces

Even if you’ve moved offices more than once, it’s easy to overlook things you wish you would’ve thought about earlier. There’s so much to coordinate and think about that it’s easy to overlook what seem like minor details at the time. Fortunately for you, as commercial real estate brokers in Chicago, the team at Frontline Real Estate has helped tons of business owners find their perfect office space. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need...

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